**Announcing 2022 breeding plans!**
Please visit the Our Future page for info and pedigree!
**Hunter is a new champion!**
(8/6/2022) Hunter is now Ch. Sadik Summer in the City! Hunter is shown finishing his title at the Northern Cascades Saluki Fanciers specialty show under breeder/judge Elena Edwards (Shiraz) who awarded him Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Hunter was shown on the day by good friend Erika Rose and he is owned and loved by Leila and David Kirske. (Photo by Elaine)
**The Sadik family win Reserve in Breeder's Showcase two years in a row!**

The Sadik family, represented by Kabria, Dodger and Imme have won Reserve in Breeder's Showcase at the SCOA National Specialty twice. First in 2021 under breeder Elaine Johnston (Country Laine) and again this year under breeder Kevin Carlson (Aeolus). What an honor to have my breeding program recognized by two long-time fellow breeders! (2021 photo by Tina Turley, 2022 photo by Cook Phodography)
**Lakota and Dodger win two ASA Coursing Cups!**

In December of 2021, Lakota became Ch. Lakota Sadik Al Djiibaajah, JC, CC, CM by winning the American Saluki Association's Christmas Cup. This win gave him the needed points to comlete both his Coursing and Courser of Merit titles. In January of 2022, Dodger ran in his first hunt and won the ASA Ishtan Cup. What a great start for him. He also completed his AKC Championship in April of 2021 at the Western Hound shows so he is now Ch. Sadik Boys Of Summer, JC. I am very proud of both of these boys who are successful in ring and field!
**Thistle and Kabria's pups are here!**

Click HERE to see the pedigree for this litter.
**2018 - 2020 updates!!**

It's been a long time since this site has been updated, but we are back in the swing of things! The past two open field seasons have been very rewarding for Summer and Lakota! In the past two seasons, Summer earned both her Coursing Championship and Courser of Merit titles, qualified for the Grand Course both seasons, earning 5th place in the 2019 GC breed hunt and tying for 3rd place at this year's breed hunt and placing 9th overall. She also won the ASA Mia Cup in January, all as a veteran this season! Lakota enjoyed his first season out in the field running in eight hunts with a first place tie at the Ishtan Cup, earning all of his take credits, tying for 3rd in the GC breed hunt and finishing 4th overall. He earned a total of 75 points, all of his placements and take credits in his very first season! It was a very stellar season for the boy and he looks forward to this coming fall in the field. (Photos by Jan Dawson)

At the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco Specialty show in October 2019, Lakota won Winners Dog under sighthound specialist Erin Brown. Dodger was Reserve Winners Dog the same day! Lakota finished his title in January at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs and Dodger has won both of his majors. (Photo by Cook Phdography)
**The Gang is all here!!**

(6/10/2018) Right on schedule, Summer presented me with her litter of nine in-between 6:45 and 11:00pm on Sunday the 10th. There are five boys (two red sable, two tris and one tri parti color) and four girls (two red sable, one tri and one fawn parti color). All the puppies weighed between 16 and 17 ounces at birth. Summer is being a great mom and all puppies are happy and thriving! Please visit Our Future to see more photos of Summer and Strider and to see the pedigree for the puppies.
**Bella wins Best is Specialty Show and Kabria AOM!**

(4/13/2018) At the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show, Bella (Ch. Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru) won Best in Show under breeder judge Diane Divin-Thompson (Awn Salukis). Bella and her sister, Kabria are now both specialty winners! The next day at the Western Hound show, Bella won Best of Opposite Sex. Bella was beautifully presented by Justine Spiers over the weekend, and what a great weekend it was! (Photo by Bettina Bienefeld)

The same day sister, Bella, won the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty, Kabria won a very nice Award of Merit! We are honored that judge Thompson found both sisters in a large, high quality entry. (Photo by Bettina Bienefeld)
**Kabria wins Best in Specialty Show!!**

(2/17/2018) Wow, my Ch. Sadik Pride and Joy has now become a Specialty winner! At the Central Arizona Saluki Association's specialty show, Kabria earned the top award under breeder judge Clair Chryssolor (Anasazi Salukis). This win is truly a breeder owner handler's honor! (Photo by Christy Moore, Mojority Photo)
**Lakota wins his first major at under ten months of age!**

(1/7/2018) At under ten months of age, Lakota continues to show his early promise and under judge Rudi Brandt wins Winners Dog at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs for his first major! Sarah James once again presented Lakota for me due to my ankle injury and once again ended up in the winners circle. Thank you so much, Sarah and judge Brandt! (Photo by Cook Phodography)
**Young Lakota wins Best Puppy in Pleasanton!**

(10/19/2017) Lakota Sadik Al Djiibaajah goes to his first shows and at the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco specialty show, wins Best Puppy in Show under breeder judge Cathy Smith (Catonam Salukis, Australia)! Lakota was shown very nicely on the day by Sarah James. Thank you Sarah for helping me while I have a broken ankle and to judge Smith for seeing the youngster's early quality! (Photo by Cook Phodography)
**Thistle is now a Champion!**

(8/4/2017) Continuing a very successful summer for Sadik Salukis, Thistle went to the Northern Cascades Saluki Fanciers Specialty show and won Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex under breeder judge Eric Steele for another major. Thistle is now Ch. Sadik RFR Catch A Breeze! Thistle is owned by David and Leila Kirski and is beautifully handled by Tiffany Skinner. (Photo by Elaine)
**Wow, what a wonderful weekend in Lompoc for Bella and Kabria!**

(7/28 - 7/30/2017) At the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show under breeder judge Robert Place (Arabesque Salukis), Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru (Bella) won Winners Bitch to complete her Championship and sister, Sadik Pride and Joy (Kabria) was Reserve Winners Bitch! The next two days Kabria was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club shows (San Angeles and ASA supported entries) for back to back majors to finish her championship under judges Edna K. Martin and Ann Meyer! Two championships for the two sisters over the weekend, way to go girls! (Photo of Bella from her April SASC win by Ken O'Brien and of Kabria finishing her title, by Kit Rodwell)
**Seca and Zaza's son, Lakota, is here to join the Sadik gang!**

(6/8/2017) In May I flew to Germany to see the Al Djiibaajah L litter and chose Lakota Sadik Al Djiibaajah to come here to live with his father and the rest of the Sadik salukis. I had a wonderful visit with Sabine Horn, her family and hounds. Lakota flew to the USA in June and I picked him up while I was back at the Saluki Club of America National Specialty show. He is beautiful and I look forward to sharing many years of happiness with Lakota!
**Summer completes her Grand Championship!**

(4/14/2017) Summer won the Select Bitch award at the San Angeles Saluki Club spring specialty show in Silverado, California to complete her Grand Championship! She is now GCh. Sadik RFR Summer Breeze, JC! The judge was Mr. Michael Canalizo and Summer was handled by Sarah James. (Photo by O'Brien Photography)The next day, under judge Edmund Dziuk, Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Western Hound show and Sadik Pride and Joy was Reserve Winners bitch. Truly a sister-act!
**Fun up at the Saluki Club of San Francisco Specialty weekend!!**

(10/20/2016) Wow, what a day Sadik Salukis had at the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco Specialty show! Breeder judge Jayne Pyatt (UK) chose MSBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC. as Best in Specialty show from the Veteran Dog class! What a fantastic honor for Seca to win the show over such a high quality entry. Also...

My youngster, Sadik Pride and Joy was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Bred by Exhibitor for a four point major! Her brother, Sadik Total Eclipse of the Heart was Reserve Winners Dog. Thank you judge Pyatt for appreciating these dogs! I also want to send a special thank you to Debbie Dillman for handling Seca on short notice since I had to take Kabria back in the ring for Best of Breed. Well done, Debbie! And, yet another from the Rock 'n Blues litter did well on this day. First thing in the morning, Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru won Best in Sweepstakes under breeder Karon Lonero (Moshire/RFR Salukis). Not a bad day for these 14 month old babies!(Photos by Cook Phodography)
**Thistle wins big in Washington!!**

(8/5/2016 - 8/7/2016) Wow, Sadik RFR Catch A Breeze had a great weekend in Washington early in August! At the Northern Cascades Saluki Fanciers morning specialty, he was Winners Dog and Best of Winners under hound specialist Bitte Ahrens Primavera (ITA)! This was Thistle's first major win, a five point! The next day at the Western Washington Hound show under sighthound specialist, Debbie Petersen, Thistle was Reserve Winners Dog to a major. Then, at the Western Washington Hound show on Sunday under judge Jocelyne Gagne, Thistle won Winners Dog for his second major, four points. He now needs but a few single points to finish. Congratulations to Thistle's loving owners, David and Leila Kirske! (Photo by Elaine)
**JJ and her daughter have fun in Lompoc!!**

(7/28 - 7/31/2016) JJ (SBIS GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC) and her daughter, Kabria (Sadik Pride and Joy) had a great time in Lompoc this summer! To start out the weekend, Kabria won Best Puppy at the 50th annual ASA Desert Match and JJ was Best of Opposite Sex adult under Tom Powers (Powerscourt Irish Wolfhounds)! On Friday at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show, JJ was Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweepstakes under Danielle Rubin. Her tri daughter, Sadik Black Rose (Emira), owned by Stephen and Dorothea Franke, won her puppy class and was strongly considered for the Reserve Winners Bitch award under sighthound specialist Pauline Hewitt (AUS). JJ, accomanied by Kabria and Emira, also won the Brood Bitch class this day. On Saturday at the San Angeles Saluki Club supported entry, Lompoc Valley Kennel Club, Kabria won Winners Bitch from the 9 - 12 months puppy class for a four point major under breeder judge Lois Snyder (Impala Salukis)! What a way to earn her first points! Later in the day from the veteran class, her mom not only won her class, but went on to win Best of Breed. A truly fabulous day for mother and daughter! (Both are pictured above with Judge Snyder, photo by Vicki Holloway)

On Sunday at the American Saluki Association supported entry at the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club, JJ won her veteran class and went on to earn the Select Bitch award for the day under sighthound specialist Judy Lowther. JJ is pictured above with her daughters, Kabria and Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru winning the Brood Bitch class. My thanks to these judges for awarding my girls so nicely on the weekend! (Photo by Vicki Holloway)

Not to be outdone by her relatives, Lana, owned and handled by Lesley Brabyn, won Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show under judge Pauline Hewitt (AUS) to complete her American Championship in grand style! She is now SBIS Am Can Ch. Lorrequer Legacy and a fine tribute to her breeder Lin Hawkyard. (Photo by Holloway)
**Puppy Tyler is having fun at his first shows!**

(May/June 2016) Sadik Total Eclipse of the Heart has gone to a few shows in May and June and already has six points towards his championship! He is owned by Judith Sears and Jim and Linda Griffin and is handled by Jim. Tyler is pictured above winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the Contra Costa County Kennel Club show under judge David Swartwood during the very fun and festive "Woofstock" weekend! (Photo by Callea)
**Bella wins Best in Match!**

(5/2016) Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru was chosen by fellow long-time Saluki breeder, Carmen Day (Chezday Salukis) as Best in Match at the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco club's annual sanctioned match. What a lovely honor to be selected by another Saluki breeder. Bella is off to a great start in the ring after having won the RWB in February at the CASA Specialty!
**Wow, what a weekend for Lana!!**

(4/15/2016) Can Ch. Lorrequer Legacy won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and BEST OF BREED at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show under breeder/judge Eric Steele! Lana came to live in the USA with John and Lesley Brabyn and was shown by Lesley. On Sunday at the Western Hound Association Hound show, judge Christophe Coppel (FR) awarded Lana Winners Bitch for her second major in the US. What a wonderful tribute to her late breeder, Lin Hawkyard (Lorrequer Salukis). I am so proud of Seca and Arya's offspring and the contribution Lin offered to so many of us! Also at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show, SBIS GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC (JJ) won Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under long time Saluki enthusiast, Jack McGuffin. This was another wonderful Specialty for the Sadik family!
**The Sadik family has a wonderful time in Arizona at the Specialties!**

(2/13 - 15/2016) The Sadik family did very well while at the CASA and SALSA Specialties. On the first day at the Central Arizona Saluki Association Specialty show, JJ (SBIS GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC) won Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under Robin Castillo. JJ is pictured above being admired by judge Castillo. Later in the day Sadik Blue Bayou at Timaru (Bella) not only won her 6 - 9 month puppy class, she went on to win Reserve Winners Bitch and Ch. Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze, JC earned the Select Dog award under breeder/judge Monica Stoner!

The next day at the Saluki League of Southern Arizona Specialty show both JJ and Tanner won Awards of Merit under sighthound breeder/specialist Lou Guerrero. JJ is pictured above with her son, Tyler and daughters Kabria and Bella winning the Brood Bitch class.
On Monday under Saluki breeder/judge Diane Divin, sisters JJ and Pearl (GCh. Sadik Akhtar Pearl, JC both earned Award of Merits at the Central Arizona Saluki Association Specialty show. The family had a very fine time while in Arizona!
**Tanner and Summer both complete their Junior Courser titles!**

In November of 2015 Ch. Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze, JC completed his JC title. Summer didn't get to go as she was in season, but got her turn in February and she completed her title to become Ch. Sadik RFR Summer Breeze, JC! Both of these youngsters run the lure with great enthusiam. A big plus since they've spent a good amount of time in pursuit of California Jackrabbits. Anything will do when it comes to the chase. Good kids! (Photos by Dawn Anderson (Tanner) and Jeff Nolton (Summer))
Seca and Summer win in Pleasanton!!**

(10/15 - 10/17/2015) MBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC had a great time while up in Pleasanton this year! The first day he was Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under breeder Bonnie Boucher-Johnson (Snowynde Salukis). The next day he won Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweepstakes under Jennifer Fox and then went on to earn and Award of Merit under breeder judge Saija Juutilainen (Wallaby's Salukis, Finland)! On Saturday, Seca was once again Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under breeder Terry Smith (Ramazahn Salukis)! The spotty boy had a great weekend!

My Ch. Sadik RFR Summer Breeze won Award of Merit under breeder judge Katrina Hamilton (Hounds of Khiva) on the final day of the four show weekend, rounding out a great trip! My sincere thank you to all these fine breeder judges for recognizing Seca and Summer!
**JJ's puppies have arrived!!**

(8/9/2015) The puppies are here and JJ is being a great mom! There are two boys, a tri and a grizzle and four girls, a tri, a gold, a cream and a sabled fawn! All are doing great (pictured above at one week of age) and thriving. They are all spoken for at this time. To learn more about Ryder and JJ and to see the pedigree, please visit Our Future!
**Tanner wins in Lompoc!**

(7/24 - 7/26/2015) My newest champion, Ch. Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze went to Lompoc and won the first Award of Merit at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show on Friday under judge Bjorn Fritz (Germany) in an entry of 94! On Sunday he was also the first Award of Merit, this time under judge Jim Behan (Ireland) in an entry of 79. Tanner was beautifully shown by Shawna Swanson over the weekend. Way to go baby boy! (Photo by Kit Rodwell)
**It's official, JJ will be having puppies!!**

(7/21/2015) Ultrasound confirmed that my dear SBIS GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC is pregnant and due to whelp her litter right around the 9th of August! For more information on the upcoming litter, please visit Our Future. Stay tuned for updates on JJ's whelping and info on the new puppies!
**Summer wins Best of Breed in Pasadena!**

(5/30/2015) Ch. Sadik RFR Summer Breeze won Best of Breed for a major towards her Grand Championship at the Kennel Club of Pasadena show under breeder judge Robert Frost (Karob Salukis)! I'm very proud of this girl! (Photo by Rich Bergman)
(5/29/2015) What great news arrived from Canada today! Lin Hawkyard and Luca won Best of Breed from the classes to earn the final points for his Canadian Championship. He is now Can Ch. Lorrequer Lasting Legacy! Luca finished his championship with multiple Best of Breed wins and a Group 2nd. He also won a major reserve at a specialty along the way. Congratulations, Lin and Luca!
**Sparkle shines on a cloudy day!!**

(4/25/2015) Ch. Lorrequer Legacy to Sadik went to the Lake Mathews Kennel Club show and won Best of Breed under breeder judge Brian Patrick Duggan (Kyzyl Kum Salukis)! The year has certainly been good thus far with the dogs earning top honors under fellow breeders! Thank you! (Photo by Vicki Holloway)
**Seca wins another Veteran Sweepstakes!**
(4/10/2015) Just having turned nine years of age at the San Angeles Saluki Club Specialty show, MSBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC, adds another Best in Veteran Sweepstakes win to his record. This time Saluki breeder, Sharon Walls (Obi-Wan Salukis) chose Seca for the top honors. Thank you Ms. Walls! (Photo by Ken O'Brien)
**JJ wins BIG in Texas!!**

(3/20 - 3/21/2015) At the same specialty Tanner completed his championship, JJ won Best in Specialty Show and is now SBIS GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC! Not only did JJ win this specialty under breeder/judge Joanne Mahon (Jazirat Salukis), she went on to win Best of Breed the next day under breeder judge Linda Scanlon (Arakis Salukis) at the NTSC Supported entry at the Fort Worth Kennel Club show! It was a great weekend for JJ! (show photo by Sosa)
**Tanner is now a Champion!!**

(3/20/2015) At the North Texas Saluki Club specialty show #1 held in Fort Worth, Tanner won Winners Dog and an Award of Merit under Mrs. Joanne Mahon (Jazirat Salukis, Holland) for another major to finish his AKC Championship in style! Ch. Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze is the third champion for the Charlie Brown x Briza litter at just two and a half years of age. Later in the day at the second specialty, under breeder judge Brian Patrick Duggan (Kyzyl Kum Salukis), Tanner's first time in the ring as a Champion, he earned an Award of Merit!
**Tanner moves his way to a Best of Breed and Group IV for a major!!**
(2/22/2015) Tanner (Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze) earned Winners Dog, Best of Winners AND Best of Breed over six specials at the Silver Bay Kennel Club show in San Diego, California under long-time breeder judge Garry Newton (Solari Salukis). This wasn't the end of Tanner's wonderful day as he went on to a Hound Group IV among some of the top hounds in the nation! I'm very proud of this boy being recognized by yet another breeder judge! Thank you Mr. Newton! (Win photo by Vicki Holloway, movement photo by Veitphotography)
**Summer becomes the second champion for the Breeze litter!**

(2/16/2015) Summer is now Champion Sadik RFR Summer Breeze after winning Winners Bitch at the Central Arizona Saluki Association specialty show under judge Amy Sorbe for a four point major! Summer completed her title with three majors, two at specialties (SCOA National and CASA) and one as a pup at the SASC supported entry/Western Hound show. Breeders and sighthound specialists have consistently found this girl and I am very proud of her accomplishements! (Photo by D. Warshaw)

(2/15/2015) MSBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC also enjoyed himself while in Arizona. On Sunday at the Saluki League of Central Arizona specialty he started out the day by winning Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under judge Judy Pikop. Later in the day, handled by Shawna Swanson, Seca captured Best of Opposite Sex from the Veteran Dog class under judge Steven Klein! To top off his fine weekend, Seca also earned the Select Dog award under on Monday under judge Amy Sorbe from the Veteran Dog class. Way to go ol' man! (Photo by Jane Hepburn)
**Cider is the first champion for the Breeze litter!**

(1/26/2015) At the Livonia Kennel Club show under judge Jon Cole, Cider wins Winners Dog and Best of Winners for his third major to become Champion Sadik RFR Winter Breeze! Cider was handled to his title by one of his very best friends, Karen Butler. Cider is proudly owned and conditioned by Maria Cotter. Congratulations, Maria and Karen, on all of the boy's lovely accomplishments! (Photo by K. Booth)
**Cyrus and Strider win in Pleasanton!**

(10/16 - 10/19/2014) At the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco Specialty show held on October 16th, breeder judge Diane Divin (Awn Salukis) awards Cyrus Winners Dog to finish his championship! He is now Champion Sadik Akhtar Here Comes The Sun! Later in the day, his brother, Ch. Sadik Akhtar Midnight Rider, JC earned an Award of Merit. The following day, litter brother Strider was Winners Dog at the Saluki Club of America Supported entry at the Skyline Kennel Club of San Mateo County Kennel Club show under breeder judge Sharon Kinney (Issibaa Salukis) to complete his title. He is now Champion Sadik Akhtar Stairway to Heaven, CGC! Then, on Sunday at the Saluki Club of Greater San Francisco Supported entry at the Del Valle Kennel Club show, sister GCh. Sadik Akhtar Pearl, JC garnered an Award of Merit under breeder judge Karen Archibald (Jidda Salukis). What a great weekend for the Rock 'n Roll litter! Cyrus and Strider are champions number seven and eight for the litter! (Photo of Cyrus by Cook Phodography, Strider by Callea Photography)
**Spiro is still going strong!**

(9/2014) From my Sun God and Goddess litter, whelped in May of 2004, Spiro, owned by Sophia Therese Pitakis of Salt Lake City, Utah, celebrated his 10th birthday by winning Best of Breed at the Rocky Mountain Hound Association's AKC lure trial (pictured above). He is a multiple Best in Field winner and in July he earned his Therapy Dog Advanced certificate. Congratulations to Therese and MBIF FC Sadik Shakuru, SC, THDA, FCh! (Photo by Matt Hammond)
(8/23/2014) Please visit Our Future to find out about my 2015 litter plans!
**Summer and Tanner do well at the National!!**

A very happy day, indeed! (Above two photos by Tina Turley Photography)
(6/5 - 6/7/2014) The long drive back to the Saluki Club of America National Specialty was well worth the effort for Sadik RFR Summer Breeze and Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze. Tanner not only won the large and very competitive Bred by Exhibitor Dog class, he went on to Reserve Winners Dog for a 3 point major! The following day while I was still on cloud nine from Tanner's win, his sister, Summer won the huge Bred By Exhibitor Bitch class and went on to win Winners Bitch for a 5 point major! The next day she went Best of Winners and also Best Bred By Exhibitor! What a great, incredible trip to the National and I cannot thank Starr White (Windstorm Salukis) for appreciating these two youngsters so much! (Photos by Cook Phodography)
**Luca is in the winner's circle!**

(5/31/2014) Lorrequer Lasting Legacy (Luca) is growing up and now only needs one point to complete his Canadian Championship! At the Aurora and District Kennel Club show under Mr. F Gordon, Luca won Best of Breed (over a special) and went on to a Hound Group 2nd owner/breeder handled by Lin! Congratulations, Lin! (Photo by Oslach Photography)
**March was a very good month for Cyrus and Jim!**
(3/8/2014 and 3/23/2014) Wow, Sadik Akhtar Here Comes The Sun is off to a great start with his co-breeder, Jim Griffin, at the shows this year! On the 8th of March at the Kings Kennel Club of California show under judge Donovan Thompson, "Cyrus" goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a three point major! He followed up this win at the Oakland Kennel Club show (pictured) on the 23rd of the month by earning Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed over specials for another three point major. Congratulations to Dana Holzman, Cyrus' owner and to Jim Griffin on Cyrus' wonderful start to the new year!
**Lots of fun in the Arizona sun!**

(2/15 - 2/17/2014) At the first day of the Arizona specialty shows held by the Central Arizona Saluki Association, judge Pam Lambie awarded Sadik RFR Summer Breeze Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes. Later in the day she won the Bred by Exhibitor class and went on to Reserve Winners Bitch under breeder judge Elena Edwards (Shiraz Salukis)! MSBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC (pictured above) also won the Veteran Dog class and an Award of Merit at almost eight years of age. The first day was a very good day!

The next day the Saluki League of Southern Arizona held their specialty show and under fellow breeder Fiona Bennett (Al Sayad Salukis) Summer's brother, Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze won Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes and in the Veteran Sweepstakes, Seca was Best of Opposite Sex. Later, in the regular classes GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC (pictured above) was Best of Opposite Sex under judge Tony Kyman of Australia. (Photos of Seca and JJ by Desert Rain Photography)
On the final day of the shows (Central Arizona Saluki Association) Seca, once again not only won his Veteran Dog class but went on to an Award of Merit under judge Kenneth Levison. It was a great way to round out the weekend and made for a very happy drive home!
**Sparkle finishes her Championship in style!!**

(1/3 - 1/5/2014) Sparkle enjoyed a great weekend in Palm Springs! On Friday she won Winners Bitch for her third major at the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California, an ASA Supported entry, under judge Patricia Ulloa (see photo on her page). On Saturday at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs show, she was Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Elias Duarte, Jr. Then, to top off the weekend, breeder judge Carole Beyerle (Excelsior Salukis) awarded Sparkle Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex for her fourth major to complete her title. She is now Champion Lorrequer Legacy to Sadik! (Photo by Cook Phodography)
**The Rock n' Roll litter vs The Petroleum Hare!**

To close out 2013, three more of the Rock n' Roll litter have ventured onto the lure coursing field and obtained their Junior Courser titles. Picture above is Sadik Akhtar Kodachrome, JC. Joining Kody with JC honors is GCh. Sadik Akhtar Pearl, JC and Ch. Sadik Akhtar Midnight Rider, JC. So far five of the litter have lure coursing titles. Just goes to show that good looking, correct Salukis can win in the ring and also on the field! (Photo by Gary Ellis)
**Tanner flies at his first hunt!**

(12/6/2013) Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze attended his very first TCC open field hunt and had a fabulous course with lots of work on the hare which ended with him earning an AK and 3rd place in the hunt. Way to go Tanner! Not bad for a fifteen month old youngster. He is already showing off his heritage on hares!
**Lana and Luca win in Canada!**
(11/30 - 12/1/2013) Wow, what a fantastic weekend for Can Ch. Lorrequer Legacy and her brother, Lorrequer Lasting Legacy! At the Caledon Kennel Club shows, the first day under judge Gretchen Bernardi, Luca won Winners Dog for his first two points and his sister, Lana, being shown her first time as a special was Best of Opposite Sex for two Grand Champion points. The next day under judge Goran Bodegard (Sweden) Luca repeated his Winners Dog achievement and also went Best of Winners for a three point major! He already has five points towards his title. Not bad for the boy's first two Canadian shows! Then, to top off of the day and weekend, Lana won Best of Breed and made the cut in a very strong group. Congratulations, Lin, on a super weekend with your two youngsters!
**Lana wins her first AKC major!**
(10/4/2013) Can Ch. Lorrequer Legacy goes to the Saluki Club of America trophy supported entry at the Hatboro Dog Club show and wins her first major in the United States! Lana went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under breeder judge Valerie Hamilton (Hounds of Khiva) for a five point major! Extra special was that her breeder, Lin Hawkyard, handled her to this win. Also, held the same day was the Saluki Club of America Eastern Regional Specialty and breeder judge Helen Graham (Daxlore) awarded Lorrequer Lasting Legacy Reserve Winners Dog to the major. This was Luca's first show, what a nice way to start! Congratulations Lin and welcome back into the ring! (Photo by John Ashbey)
**Sparkle wins her second major and Tanner earns his first points!!**

(9/14 - 9/15/2013) Sparkle and Tanner had fun in Prescott Arizona! The first day under sighthound specialist Betty-Anne Stenmark, Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze earned his first two points by going Winners Dog. Lorrequer Legacy to Sadik won Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, giving her another major, bringing her total to nine points with both majors! The following day under judge Kathy Beliew, Tanner repeated his win for another two points and Sparkle was Reserve Winners Bitch. Quite a nice weekend for my puppies! (Photos by Kohler)
**Sparkle wins her first major!**

(8/23/2013) At the Northern Cascades Saluki Fanciers specialty show held in Redmond Washington, Lorrequer Legacy to Sadik won Winners Bitch for a four point major! Her brother, Lorrequer Legacy of Life was Reserve Winners Dog and Sadik RFR Summer Breeze was Reserve Winners Bitch and Best Puppy! Pictured above are Sparkle and Summer with breeder judge Pamela Arwood (Appalachia Salukis).
Earlier in the day, Sadik RFR Forbidden Breeze at Scimitar won Best in Sweepstakes while her brother, Sadik RFR Autumn Breeze was Best of Opposite Sex under breeder judge Ron Wassenaar (Ranesaw Salukis). I would like to thank Cathi Steiner, Taboo's owner, for helping me in the ring by handling Summer for the RWB win this day and for showing Sparkle the next day and earning a major Reserve Winners Bitch under breeder judge Sharon Kinney (Issibaa Salukis). Thanks, also to Erika Parton for stepping in to help with the photos! (Photos by Roberts)
JJ loves Lompoc's big ring!**

(7/27/2013) While enjoying the expanse of the large Saluki ring in Lompoc, GCh. Sadik Akhtar Piece of My Heart, JC moved her way to Best of Opposite Sex at the San Angeles Saluki Club supported entry at the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club show during the American Saluki Association's 50th Anniversary Celebration weekend! In an entry of 175, Ms. Nina Neswadba (Showhunters Salukis, Austria) appreciated JJ for the honor. I sure couldn't be more proud of this fun-loving girl who moves with style and grace! (Photo by Vicki Holloway)
**Seca wins Best in Veteran Sweepstakes!**

(7/26/2013) MSBIS GCh. Sadik Seca Wind, JC enjoyed his first weekend out as a veteran and won Best in Veteran Sweepstakes under breeder Rae Ann Hanna (Clarinda Salukis, USA) at the San Angeles Saluki Club's Specialty show held in conjunction with the American Saluki Association's 50th Anniversary Celebration in Lompoc, California. The large entries were filled with high quality, making this win extra special for Seca! (Photo by Vicki Holloway)